The Technos Samurai
Home of [Downtown Nekketsu: Cartoon Special!]

If you like anything that you see here or just want to induce suffering in your visitors and cause them to never trust your tastes or opinions again, you can use this button I whipped up in paint in about 2 minutes to link from your live journal or whatever to this page. Listed below are some pages that I believe are worth at least a visit or they gave me a link and thus I'd feel like a jackass if I didn't return the keystrokes.


Johnny Undaunted has put together a Nekketsu page that is a lot like how my page would look if I had about 2 or 3 more articles of content. He seems to have given up on updating, he may even have another page by now. But he's always been a good source of Nekketsu/Technos information so give his page a visit and get him to start updating again.


The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Scott's site is the word "trendy". Then I realize that nothing on the site has anything to do with the happenings of the last ten or so years and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Perhaps my finger is just that far from the pulse of society, or perhaps Sharkey's site eludes a one word description and so the mind simply tosses a random answer at you when you try to find one. The best thing to do is just shut up and visit it. The site will make you at least chuckle once or you're just being difficult and I hate you for it.


Thor Thor Thor... where do I begin? It seems like it was only yesterday that I figured out that the "mirtna" in his page URL is his last name written backwards. I'm kind of a slow kid that way. I didn't even realize that Thor's House of Recalcitrancy had the acronym "THoR" until I saw that link button for Thor's page at Solidsharkey. But, as slow witted as I apparently am, one thing cannot escape my sieve-like brain, his page is funny and humourous too.


I've been meaning to add this link for a while as I believe that it is one of the best English Nekketsu sites on the web. However a reminder that landed in my inbox concerning the adding of this link has thrown me somewhat of puzzle. I was e-mailed with a link to this page that read but when I checked my bookmarks for this page I found the address to be I have linked to the latter since I found it over two years ago where as this other obvious forgery I saw for the first time just last week. It's a great site though that provides an in depth look at what would otherwise be an almost undecipherable experience to the average North American emulator.








All episodes are copyright of James Smith. Do not post or use them in anyway that could be deemed profitible. Since Technos is now defunct they - much like King Kong - have nothing on me. So I can use their characters and so forth all I want. - 2004